Sweating Treatment

Toxin application is also used in the treatment of sweating. When applied to both armpits, sweating is stopped temporarily.

The most common cause is genetic and structural, and 40 percent of patients have a family history. Very rarely, an underlying disease such as diabetes and thyroid gland diseases can be seen. The most common areas of excessive sweating are armpits, palms and soles. Botulinum toxin application is an effective and practical method in the treatment of excessive sweating. Botulinum toxin therapy has no known significant side effects.

Pain is reduced by applying anesthetic cream to the area to be treated. Botulinum toxin is applied to the skin with fine-tipped needles. Physiologically, the sweat glands are stimulated by the release of a substance called acetoline choline from the nerve endings. By preventing the release of the botulinum toxin acetoline choline, it prevents the sweat glands from being stimulated, thus reducing sweating.

After the procedure, a decrease in sweating begins within 2-3 days and a complete decrease in sweating is observed in 15 days. Its effectiveness in the treatment of sweating is on average 4-6 months. The duration of the effect may vary from person to person.

Considerations After Excessive Sweating Treatment

It is recommended not to take a bath, touch or massage on the day of the application.

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